Goiana, Brazil
Men at work

4.4 million of square meters. This is the most extended FCA plant in Brazil. Built on green field, was born from a settlement strategy of balance between production sectors, social areas and environmental sphere, in an agricultural and sugar cane based area. Inside this large-scale project, +Studio Architetti Associati was in charge for the coordination of different scales interventions, through a multidisciplinary project, which includes the architectural and landscape design, surfaces, interiors and reception spaces, materials and furnishing. The Brand Landscaping project had the aim of mending the existing landscape, fragmented and drained by sugar cane intensive monoculture. Pedestrian paths and visual gap connect architecture and landscape. As in a Burle Marx garden, between composition geometries and the sinuosity of the native flora, the green is shaped by aesthetic and artistic principles. The Communication Center is the focal point of the entire structure.
It is a 15000 square meters building with steel covering. Its functional peculiarity is easily recognizable by an all height glass, which defines a strip of entry promenade in addition of being a direct sun filter for the open space offices in the background. The workstations are organized with hexagonal rooms with a central unit, arranged in the space in different ways. The hexagon can also be found in the meeting rooms and in the desk’s shape. The main entrance to the offices is throughout the reception area, in which we are in a close contact with visitors. For this reason, formal and material choices are focused on the communication of business brand values. Espaço Jeep is the museum space, located at the side of the reception. This space consists of a series of exhibitors, totem and partitions, made by solid wood and inspired by the local building tradition, which are the beginning of a wider route in the entire building.
Communication Center and Landscape Design of the new Jeep factory in Goiana
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Goiana, State of Pernambuco, Brasil
© +Studio Architetti Associati
2012: project
2014: completion date